Everything is connected. Witnessed in his art, Kevin Harney believes that like the sacred art of indigenous peoples - whether it be Northern American Indians, the Mexican Huichol or the Australian Aboriginal populations - contemporary art should also maintain its commitment to reflecting somehow the spirit of the human soul and the sublime nature of the universe.
Kevin's work offers an exploration into his Buddhist philosophy and demonstrates how ancient ideology can still be expressed in a highly modern and contemporary manner. For example, the gems of Harney's artistic style and technique are surely his “Affinity Collection”. Enticing the senses, an intoxicating rhythm of vibrant colors collide and merge into an innately natural composition. Similarly, his impressive Mandalas are like cosmic maps of the universe or architectural plans of the mind, reflecting the infinite intricacies and possibilities of our existence. The abstract eloquence passes from the form of drops of light and shades of shadow to modules of complex structure.
The interplay that contrasts color and shape in his art induces you to look at and interpret what is seen. What Kevin Harney teaches us is that life, like art, is simply a series of experiments, interrelations and intuitions that lead us to the next step, the next challenge, the next success.